
I need your opinion on something. Though I know, that finally, only I can find the right answer, you can help me.  I was kind of shocked this weekend, because completely unexpected thing happened. Andrew ( husband that I considered to be almost ex husband as we decided that we won’t be together long time ago) said something stunning. He said (quote): “You are my soulmate and I want for us to be together”. So short sentence and so powerful.

Short update. I was going to move out in the next couple of month and it was completely decided thing for me because he didn’t want to work on our relationship,  he didn’t see us together and I didn’t want to agree on what we had. We lived like friends or rather half-strangers for months and I’ve been feeling single most of the time.

And now he wants to try. He wants to fix it. I won’t lie to you, on the one hand, it would be much easier because I still love him at some point. And I miss this feeling being a team. Having somebody to come home to. I miss us. But on the other hand, I know how hard it gets between us. I know how easy he can become angry over something stupid.

I feel like I owe him to try. I owe myself to try. But I’m so tired of how hard our relationship was on me, how hard it was on us both. I just want to enjoy every day and appreciate simple things that make me feel alive.

A lot of “wise” people say that world around us is just a reflection on what we have inside. I’ve changed a lot over last year, maybe it can be different between us?

Anyway, I decided that no matter what will happen between me and Andrew I won’t let myself to lose this feeling that I have now. I just feel good and I know that it’s up to me how to react on everything that happens. It’s my choice what to feel every morning when I wake up. And how to go through my day.

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin–real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.– Alfred D. Souza

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.
 —Lucy Maud Montgomery


Sounds so simple…

Feeling this moment. Being in this moment. Sounds so simple…

Enjoying every bit of life, ignoring negative sides, concentrating on positives. Feeling fulfilled, happy, balanced,  harmonious. Noticing all beautiful things around, that nobody notices, creating own beautiful world from nothing. Being strong no matter what. Saying that life is beautiful even if everything is falling apart. And meaning it. With all your heart. Feeling connection with everything. Seeing God every day. All little sighs of his presence. Doing everything you can for making world brighter place. Helping those who feel down. Noticing when somebody can use your help and doing it. Living every day like possibly last. Connecting to people. Knowing that your life changed life of others to better. Living it. Living your life. Sounds so simple…

Automatic fears

Tomorrow is my first day on the new job. Yes, I found a job :). It should be interesting and challenging at the same time. I need to stay in IT field for a while (I have no idea how long it will be), but I have very interesting project, so I’m looking forward to it.

Why are there so many fears connected to first day on the new job? Like what if I’m not good match for the job? What if people there won’t accept me as a part of their group? Or what if I don’t like them?

But I was always really good at what I’m doing, so why should it be any different? I never had problems with finding something in common with people and connecting to them.. I can’t say that I’m nervous, I’m confident in my abilities, but still I feel a bit anxious. If I think deep about those fears they doesn’t make any sense. What is the worst thing that can happen? Nothing serious obviously.

It maybe just an automatic mechanism that protects us from stupid changes. Like when you delete file on a computer it asks if you really want it, same here. I wonder if I can reach completely calm state of mind. There should be a way.

Are you usually calm in such kind of situations? If yes, how do you do it?

You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.

It’s official. An end to very challenging period of my life. Don’t take me wrong I love challenges, but I don’t like losing my balance and I certainly didn’t expect everything that happened. The worst thing about it was losing  control over my life, crises in almost all areas (except health), broken heart, trust and faith in bright future (for some time).

Positive consequences/realizations:

  • I figured out what was wrong with all my love relationship in the past. It’s definitely huge;
  • I finally realized what I should do with my professional life. It’s tricky to reach it, but I’m ready to work hard and I believe that I will get everything I need along the way;
  • I appreciate much more everything I have in life and I don’t take for granted ability to provide for myself;
  • I take responsibility for my life and I realize that everything I have has nothing to do with actions of others, if I happened to be in a hard situation I definitely did something for getting there;
  • Everything is temporary. I never know what tomorrow brings and I’m learning to accept this. I’m also learning to live in a moment (make detailed plans on the other hand), appreciate things that I have even more, chances that I get and possibilities to make my life the way I want;
  • I’ve learnt a lot about forgiveness;
  • I realized that one can’t be happy if one lives only for his/her own sake. I never lived only for myself, but I didn’t know how deep this rule is;
  • My past doesn’t define my future. There is always the possibility for positive change;
  • Peace comes from within, it is useless to seek it elsewhere;
  • Two people should be happy with their lives to be able to build healthy relationship;
  • Love is not an emotion, it is so much more.

“Things don’t go wrong and break your heart so you can become bitter and give up. They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be.” ~ Samuel Johnson

Dancing in the rain

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

I’m back. I missed you all and I’m glad I have possibility to write again!

If you remember I was going to risk a bit for a sake of moving to another country. I was going to move out from my apartment, take all my stuff and go to another town for taking my visa without even knowing if it’s issued. Next day I was going to have a flight. But as always you never can predict all possible ways. Invitation that I needed for applying for visa didn’t came in time, it was sent by overnight express, but instead of getting here in 2 days it took 6 days :). It traveled almost all Europe and by tracking system after delivering to my country even came back to the previous country. How many more signs do I need :)? So, I let go this opportunity and stay here for a while.

I moved to another town, that’s why I was absent for a while. Here I have much better work and life opportunities. And I’m happy that I finally move forward, I’m happy that I moved out from the apartment where I have so much memories connected to John and where I was stuck for a while. I still need to live with Andrew because of money issues, but as soon as I get new job and have stable income nobody can stop me :).

I have some things to learn why I’m still living with him though. Like how not to be upset when he is aggressive and negative. Some while ago in such kind of situations I would join him and become aggressive myself, now I learned how to recognize first impulse to switch to this wave. It’s an amazing feeling when you stop and understand that there is no sense for arguing, when you stop emotions and see everything clearly. When you are emotional you see that you are right, that somebody is offending you and you need to fight for it, but when your mind is clear you see someones pain, and when this person is screaming at you, you see that he/she is in pain. That this person is hurting… And you see that topic of arguing is usually empty, it’s all about something different, deeper. And sometimes you just want to hug this person and say that everything is going to be alright, that I hear you.

But my problem is that I’m getting upset in such kind of situations and I would like to learn how to handle it better. Because if somebody is choosing to be negative, to be aggressive, why should I let myself down. It’s my life and if I choose to be happy today, I can do it. Everything is irrelevant. My problems, almost all everyday problems are stupid. They don’t worth even mentioning. Because tomorrow they won’t matter at all, they are small and insignificant. I read “Experiences in a Concentration Camp” by Viktor Frankl yesterday. Everyone should read this book in my opinion. Comparing to what he describes my problem of not having a job and living with person I don’t really want to live with is so stupid. Really. I can change my life every moment, I have so many possibilities to do it and all I need is time. I’m healthy, smart, young and free. What do I need more?

I know that tomorrow I may think different for some time and maybe I’ll be upset over something stupid, but it is direction to move to, it is something I want to reach. It’s a process, I get that. My goal is to be happy without depending on external circumstances, to be happy just because I have new brand day every morning and I’m alive.

The sight of the stars makes me dream…

I mentioned before (https://whiteeecrow.wordpress.com/2010/11/07/finally/) that I was about to refuse one of offers for “moving abroad”. But when we started talking with employee, everything got sorted out and we decided to proceed. So, in two weeks I should be there. Of course there are a lot of difficulties, for example I need to move out from apartment and with all my baggage go to another town where I need to pick up my visa and till that moment I don’t even know if it is issued :). No way to do it differently. And next day I already have a flight… So, if something goes wrong, it leaves me in another town, with all my baggage and without apartment. But you know what? I don’t care. I decided that in case some problems appear, I will just stay in that town or move to another one, anyway I have no reason to come back here (I wasn’t going to live here for long time).  I’m considering it like a small adventure. There is no reason to worry, because it won’t help, but it can take away part of my life where I can be happy.

I’m glad that soon I will start new period of my life, though old one was full of useful experiences, it wasn’t easy time and it connected to John in my mind as it started with him and because of his presence in my life.

I couldn’t imagine half a year ago that I’ll be standing where I’m now and will be so calm about all uncertainty that waits me ahead. But we can’t control everything. And without it life would be probably boring.

p.s. I would appreciate if you send me some positive energy “for luck” :)

“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~Vincent van Gogh

Good luck, bad luck, who knows?

A father and his son owned a farm. They did not have many animals, but they did own a horse. One day the horse ran away.

“How terrible, what bad luck,” said the neighbors.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

Several weeks later the horse returned, bringing with him four wild mares.

“What marvelous luck,” said the neighbors.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

The son began to learn to ride the wild horses, but one day he was thrown and broke his leg.

“What bad luck,” said the neighbors.

“Good luck, bad luck, who knows?” replied the farmer.

The next week the army came to the village to take all the young men to war. The farmer’s son was still disabled with his broken leg, so he was spared.

Now was that good luck or bad luck?

Who knows?



The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.

I’ve been thinking a lot about happiness lately. I couldn’t help noticing that usually happiness in momentary. Usually, we all are waiting for something.  To find person to share life with, to have children, to build career, for child first words, first steps, to find a job of our dreams, to buy a house, to travel, to retire and many many other things. And it looks like real life is passing by while we are waiting. Because life is today. Life is now. It’s exactly this moment. Maybe tomorrow will bring what we expect, maybe not. And who knows what is better after all. Can we see in perspective if it’s good or bad if things didn’t work out expected way?


Next week is going to be exciting. I had two opportunities for moving abroad. One of them I lost about a month and half ago, another one was so real, that I was starting to believe that it’s going to happen this time :). But during all visa preparation (mainly gathering of information, documents) other side (company of employer) doesn’t look serious at all, hasn’t been keeping agreements and I decided it’s too insane to lean on such people, so tomorrow I’m going to write that I’m refusing the offer. We’ll see what happens next.

After resolving all issues with the offer, I finally will be free to plan my future steps, not depending on anyone. It’s best thing ever. It’s one of the hardest things for me to depend on actions of somebody, to wait. Though I have been trying to move abroad for a couple of years now and I hoped for finally doing it now, I’m not disappointed. I believe I have better options ahead of me.

Last months have been really challenging. Aside my failed personal relationship with John, I lost my savings, again because of counting on him too much. It’s stupid to rely on somebody in all areas. Everyone is free and he/she can walk away every second and it’s ok. It’s a main point of freedom :). For same reason, I needed to work for some time at home. It’s another difficulty for me, because I need people around, I need actions, I’ve been feeling stuck here, like everything has stopped.

So, you can imagine how happy I’m! It’s finally going to change! After I deal with offer I mentioned I can start searching for a job here. I need to move to another town, but it’s not a problem. I can finally act! I haven’t decided exactly what job I want, but for some reason I believe that I will get my answer.

Have a great week!

To be or not to be?

I’ve been confused lately. More I think about my career, more I understand that I need to be psychologist. And if you take to consideration that I’m software developer, you will understand a root of my confusion.

I always was good at math, technical stuff and from early age I decided that I’m going to earn enough money for comfortable living – so I became a programmer. And to be honest, I’m quite good at programming, but I’m not passionate about it. I believe that to be a great at something you need to LOVE it. What I like about programming mostly that you are creating something from nothing, you can change it, make it as you see it, it’s like your child at some point. Programming is always challenging, it makes your brain work. But my problem is, I don’t see a lot of sense in technical progress. Of course it has a lot of benefits, but have people become happier, healthier? Ok, let’s say I will create a lot of wonderful programs, will it be really significant?!… Articles about finding your true calling say that you need to look at what you do in your free time. As soon as I leave work, I’m far from programming or reading about that. And if I want to be really good at it, I need to.

On the other hand, since I discovered psychology I have been passionate about it. I always was curious to get why I’m who I’m, why I behave in some way not another and why people around me do so. And more, I had couple of chances to help people with some deep problems (I’m not trying to play in psychologist, it was natural process) and I love this feeling, when you know that you make difference. Sometimes I feel so helpless when someone is suffering and I can’t do almost anything about it. Recently, when aunt of Andrew died, I wanted so much to be more helpful to his mother, who took it very hard, was depressed and lost…

What is making me think twice, I understand that psychology is very serious and responsible thing to practice. How can I know that I really have some natural skills to work in this field? It’s one thing to read books and try to use it in life, but to be psychologist is so much more. I’m very sensitive and compassionate to problems of others, will I be able to leave them at work? Will I be able to see positive things in every person and like everyone? Can I control my temper enough not to lose it in difficult situations?

For start, I decided to take child steps, try to get on deeper level. Then, if I want to change my career completely I need to study and work parallel, start everything from zero. It’s serious step to do. But isn’t it worth it? To do what you love and feel significant? Life is definitely short for doing something else.